The Blockchain of DeAI
The platform for incentivized & decentralized artificial intelligence and AI agents
With a research arm for the advancement and innovation of state-of-the-art decentralized AI
Become a subnet validator node
Stake → Validate → Secure
Run a subnet validator node to validate and secure incentivized and decentralized AI models and AI agents under the Subnet Consensus Protocol (SCP). There are currently 32 slots for subnets and 1024 nodes per subnet with the capability to scale to thousands of subnets and millions of nodes.
Hypertensor subnets require an economic stake before becoming a subnet validator as part of its Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism under the Subnet Consensus Protocol (SCP), a collection of consensus mechanisms that ensures the security and integrity of the network.
The blockchain itself uses NPoS (Nominated Proof of Stake), a variation of PoS. It is designed with the roles of validators and nominators, to maximize chain security. Validators assume the role of producing new blocks, validating blocks, and guaranteeing finality. Nominators can choose to back select validators with their stake. Nominators can approve candidates that they trust and back them with their tokens. Blockchain validators not only secure the blockchain, but subnets too.
Each epoch, validators are randomly chosen for each subnet by blockchain validators to submit consensus data. Other validators confirm the accuracy of the chosen validators current state of the subnet via attestation.
Ensure the integrity of other validators by challenging its validator software using the Disputes & Slashing Protocol.
Subnets: Decentralized AI applications and AI agents with full-stack customizability
A Hypertensor subnet is an incentivized intelligence & decentralized AI application with full-stack customizability, similar to protocols on Ethereum, Solana, or L2s, using Hypertensor as its core infrastructure layer for settlement, consensus, incentives, etc. They are decentralized networks powered by subnet nodes that work collaboratively to validate decentralized AI models and AI agents. Each subnet operates independently with its own customizable mechanisms for consensus interfacing into the Subnet Consensus Protocol (SCP), enabling a scalable and trustless framework for decentralized AI applications and AI agents. They use the Hypertensor blockchain as its base layer for consensus, security, and rewards.
Each subnet node must have a key pair, a peer ID and a proof-of-stake, validated by blockchain and subnet validator nodes.
Subnet Consensus Protocol (SCP)
Each subnet must abide by the SCP (Subnet Consensus Protocol) powered by blockchain validators. This includes an Incentives Mechanism, an Accounting Mechanism, and a Slashing & Disputes Mechanism. Subnets are also required to have its own internal consensus mechanism(s) that work alongside the SCP and are required to form a consensus on-chain.
For example, within our DSN (Decentralized Subnet) standard, we created an innovative solution to validate inference within a decentralized environment we call proof-of-inference (PoI). PoI is a consensus mechanism that ensures the correct execution of inference sequences of each node within Hypertensor subnets.
The DSN (Decentralized Subnet also includes a PoS (Proof of Stake) consensus mechanism that requires each node to be staked on-chain before entering routing tables.
Developers can use the Hypertensor subnet standards to build their own incentivized & decentralized AI applications, AI agents, or build their own.

Byzantine Fault Tolerant and Censorship Resistant
Control and decision-making within subnets are distributed across a network of participants rather than concentrating it on a single central authority. Therefor, models are unable to be censored by anyone and there are no single points of failure.
Blockchain ↔ AI
The Hypertensor blockchain is a consensus layer for keeping decentralized AI models secure and incentivized. This keeps Hypertensor subnets secure for everyone while validators earn themselves TENSOR in the process.

Smart Contracts
Hypertensor employs smart contracts, enabling subnets to deploy an unlimited range of use cases. Subnets can leverage smart contracts for immutable consensus, internal governance, enhanced security, automation, custom incentive mechanisms, cross-subnet collaboration, and more. This creates a foundation for innovation without boundaries. Smart contracts are also used as a defi layer for the enhancement of the Hypertensor AI economy.

Hypertensor Subnets Standards
Let's build
You can use any of our Hypertensor subnet standards to create your own incentivized & decentralized AI subnets, or create and propose your own standards!
Hypertensor subnet standards are similar to Ethereum standards, such as ERC20s, where they can be customized to fit a variety of uses cases, similar to how Uniswap and Aave customized the ERC20 standard to build a DEX and a lending protocol. Developers can customize these standards to build incentivized & decentralized AI applications, AI agents, or launch them as is. Developers are also free to build their own subnets as long as they interface into the SCP (Subnet Consensus Protocol).